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How to Work Smart
Working smart and not hard is a very useful skill to have. If you begin to do this your work will be so much better and easier. Here are a few steps you can take to start working from a smarter position. Read on.
Step. 1
Look over everything that has to be completed before you start. For things like homework, class work, a job, etc you should assess all the things that needs to be down.
Step. 2
Now make a thorough outline of all the things that you need to do. This will keep you on the right track for doing your work and not make your repeat any steps.
Step. 3
If you have to use materials for your work, make sure they are the best or close to it. Do not go for cheap items because you may have to repair it or get another one. You will not regret paying for good materials because they can help you get your work done faster.
Step. 4
Now that you have your plan laid out, make sure you stick to it unless it is absolutely needed to. If your plan is good you should stay with it but there are some issues or problems that may arise. You should think about these problems that come up and find a way to solve it.
Step. 5
If you are working with a team make sure everyone is up to date and know what they are doing. If you know your workers well you can make the fast workers do task that take long and skilled workers work on difficult jobs. This will make work much more efficient.
Step. 6
Make sure you present and finish the job very strong. You have worked hard for a long time and you may be tired and sleepy but you must keep that last impression strong. If it is a paper, make sure you revise and reread the paper so there are no mistakes.
5 steps to be Proactive
5 steps to make Work Easy
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