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Interview Tips
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When you start getting ready for your interview, If you read the following interview tips then it will make your next interview easy and chances of getting the job will increase multi folds.

An interview is not a fashion show, but committing fashion faux pas can seriously damage your chances of getting the job.

What we wear to an interview impacts how we’re perceived by the interviewer. Getting well dress for the interview is an important aspect and it should match with interview and job requirement.

What you should wear on this occasion?

Business casual are the good choice for the formal interview. In the age group of 20-30 for man wearing a white shirt and a dark shade matching pants with a tie is a well dress up. For ladies in the same age a professional outfit is a must to attend an interview. For age group 40+ a easy dress is also suited to appear at the occasion.

The following are some Do’s and Don’t in selection of cloths:

Business casual clothes display professional attitude.

If you know the environment of the company you’re interviewing at tends to lean toward the casual, you might take a chance and let your interview clothes do the same. However, no matter how casual the environment, your attitude towards the interview should ALWAYS be 100% professional.

For conservative office select classic items.

Assume that the overall style of the office is conservative and choose classic items in neutral colors like black, navy or beige.

Selection of pants is better over Jeans

Many designers have dark, well-cut jeans that look just like pants. But it’s a safer bet to just go with the pants instead! Wearing jeans might make the interviewer question how seriously you’re taking this interview.

A business formal dress is good for ladies

For the ladies, a classic A-line skirt and a silk blouse can look just as professional as a traditional suit. Sorry, guys: you’ve got to stick with the suit and tie!

Khakis and T-shirts are not good choice

Khakis tend to look wrinkled and disheveled. Pick a pant that will maintain a crisp look even after sitting, like wrinkle-resistant slacks or a pair of tailored pants with a little stretch in them. specially those cutesy message tees that are best saved for adolescents. Even under a conservative blazer, t-shirts are completely unprofessional.

Leave the ultra-casual clothes at home.

Sloppy clothes might translate into sloppy work in the interviewer’s eyes. Walk into that interview looking clean, pulled-together and professional.

Avoiding Fatal Job Interview Flubs

You’re convinced that the interview is going great. You remembered to turn on the charm, give a firm handshake, and make good eye contact. Your resume is sensational, and you fielded questions about your experience with aplomb. You breeze out of the office confident that the job is yours.

And then it isn’t true.

A post-mortem and detail analysis of the interview reveals that while you were turning on that winning smile and explaining where you see yourself in five years, you were also making Fatal Interview Flubs:

Balance the formality and easy ness

Your blase attitude has the interviewer thinking you’re not taking the interview seriously. It’s an interview not a funeral, but you must delicately balance formality with easy-going confidence. You want to be at ease and still show the interviewer that you’re taking this opportunity seriously.

Dress as job require

Your attire leans more on the “casual” side of “business casual.” First impressions are based largely on appearance. You want to project the professional that you are. Remember the old saying, “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.”

Speak for yourself with examples

You assume your resume will speak for itself. Many people don’t understand that they have to draw a picture for the interviewer. While it might be readily apparent to YOU why you’re the best choice, it might not be to the interviewer. TELL them why, and back it up with examples and statistics whenever possible.

Listen also as you explain your candidature

You explained every aspect of your experience. In detail. At length. For the ENTIRE interview. You definitely want to get across that you’re the right candidate for the job, but you don’t want to dominate the conversation. Listening is just as important as speaking.

Focus on return to organization then money

You jumped right into the discussion on salary, bonuses, raise schedules…. Pay is a big factor in whether or not you take a job, but focusing too much on the money is a red-flag to the interviewer. Concentrate on showing them how much value you’re going to bring to the organization, not how much money you want in return.

Do not spell past bad experience

You didn’t mince words when talking about your last boss. Sure, your boss might’ve been a jerk, but your interviewer doesn’t want to hear that. Trash-talking your last boss will make the interviewer question if you’re going to be a positive influence in company environment or someone who operates under a cloud of negativity.

Battling Nervous Behaviors in Job Interviews

Walking into an interview often stirs up the same kind of anxiety as walking out onto a stage in front of a crowd of people. Even though it’s only you and the interviewer in the room, you’re in the spotlight. You’re there to make a sales presentation about yourself and to convince the interviewer that you’re the best candidate for the job.

Sometimes we let our apprehension get the better of us, and all the fidgeting and stuttering and nervous habits we have when we’re tense come bubbling to the surface and ruin the opportunity to put our best self forward.

Fight the fear and get those behaviors in check! Follow these tips to overcome nervousness.

Deep Breathing to get answers

Start by BREATHING. It seems simple enough, but it’s alarming how often we forget to breathe when we’re overcome by nerves. Slow, deep breaths will help keep the oxygen moving into the brain, allowing us to retrieve the answers to the tough questions.

Put your highlighted points across

Be militant about practicing the points you want to get across. Review your resume and make sure you’re well-versed in everything item listed. CAUTION: while rehearsing is a necessity, sounding rehearsed is a no-no. Memorize specific ideas and topic points, not scripted words.

Speak in rhythm than monotonous

Exercise your speaking voice. Pay attention to keeping your rhythm even and relaxed, and practice your annunciation, proper volume and the tone of your voice. Don’t be Mr./Ms. Monotone!

Message the most important things

Keep your message clear and concise. Irrelevant details will cloud your message. If you start to rambling, pause to collect your thoughts. After the interviewer poses a question, think about the most important thing you need to say to answer it. Start with that and then elaborate when necessary.

Remember: you know that you have the skills and experience to make you a valuable member of this organization. Let your inner professional shine through so the interviewer knows it, too.

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