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Top 7 Strategies To Achieve Your Goals
Find out what is it that you want to achieve. Write a one-sentence definition of your goal. Work on this sentence until it is clear and to the point.
Read this sentence several times before falling asleep at night, and upon waking up in the morning.
Visualize your goal for some minutes, several times a day. In your mind's eye see your goal as achieved.
Keep an expectant mood and with an open mind. This will help you become more attentive and aware of ideas and opportunities that will come your way, and which will help you achieve your goal.
Exercise your will power and self-discipline to keep your focus on the goal, and to stick to your resolve to succeed. Do not let anything distract you or make you deviate from your goal.
Go on, even if there are obstacles on the way or you see no progress. Those who persevere succeed.
Silence is power. Do not talk too much on what you want to achieve. Concentrate on doing, not on talking. Too much talking with others about your desires and goals dissipate your inner powers. Learn to concentrate and channel your energy toward achieving your goal.
Top 7 Strategies To Achieve Your Goals
10 Steps to Achieve Goals
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